
“To provide care for the people who once cared for us is one of life’s greatest honors.”

Old woman with middle-aged daughter in a selfie.
My beautiful mother who is 84 years young in 2022.

Hands care for
A small child. 

Years, decades,
Pass — mother’s
Aged somehow.

When did I
Become her 

April is National Poetry Month, and I’ve joined a poetry challenge, which is to write a poem a day for thirty days using a different poetry form each day. Today’s poem form is a Tricube; which is essentially 3 syllables per line, 3 lines per stanza, and 3 stanzas per poem.  If you would like to follow along this is where the poem prompts originate: Stephanie Says So.

#amwriting poetry #poetrychallenge2021 #stephaniesaysso #kynewynnschronicles #apoemaday #tricubepoem #poetryforms #caretaking #caringforelderlyparents #amotherslove #turnabout

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