Bid Time Return — Reflections on Kelly’s 19th Angel Day

The man of my dreams has almost faded now. The one I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of, in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart. I can almost see him now before me. — Elise McKenna – Somewhere in Time


This day is nearly over, at least the part marked by a clock, ticking. Ticking in a steady rhythm of time marching on, and yet I find myself hanging on to the last few minutes of the day. Hoping for, wanting, yearning — what? I’m not quite sure. Today, November 9, 2023, marks nineteen years since Kelly breathed his last. Since his spirit escaped his mortal form, free to be. . . to be something ethereal? To be out of pain? To be relieved of the burdens of this life?  

He has been freed from this mortal coil and is enlightened, learning, growing; an eternal being. Yet, I remain, here, earthbound; torn between the joys of my life among my children, grandchildren, and friends, and longing to be in his presence. Longing  to feel his hands in mine, to bask in his embrace, to be content in his company. But, it is not to be. The time is not now, no matter how much I long for it on some level. 

So instead, I give myself permission, for today, to linger in the paths of memory, to pull out nearly forgotten details of our life together, to examine them closely, to recall the gestures, moments, and experiences we shared in our twenty-three years together. Yes, today I will celebrate our love. I will mourn again the abrupt end of our time on earth together, captured in words from my pen.


Sleep, Interrupted 

Sleeping soundly, emptiness 
Awakens me.
Reaching out, I realize 
He’s not with me, in bed.
Sleepily, I stumble upstairs,
To urge him to come rest.

The TV blares, emitting a flickering light.
I turn it off --sudden silence descends.
He is lying on the couch,  
Still, unmoving, 

He's sleeping I think, 
His legs hanging over the end; 
Head lolling against the cushion.
The room is cold. 
He is cold. 

I interrupt the peaceful scene.
In controlled panic, I breathe for him
My warm lips on his cold, unfeeling ones
One, two, three, four, five, breathe, compression–
Repeat, repeat, repeat. . .

Approaching sirens pierce the early morning stillness.
I glimpse the children’s faces, aglow in the flashing lights.  
Suddenly, the room is filled with  
Paramedics rushing
To his side in purposeful confusion. 
They take him away, feeding him 
Through the yawning door of the ambulance.
In an early-morning mist, the sirens fade away.

Numbed, I enter hospital doors, where a 
Competent, medical professional leads me to  
A sterile room, empty now, except for me, and  
His still form–sprouting wires and tubes. 
Alone, in suffocating silence,
I memorize his face.


Endless void 
Pain-filled why 
Ragged sorrow
Trapped inside. 

Reflects void 
No intrusion 

Between breasts 
Constricts breath
Woman suffers  
All alone. 

His Hands 

Longing to feel 
his hands 
brush across my cheek, 
or tangled in my curls; 

I remember how 
it felt 
his fingertips’ touch 
on the small of my back;

My hand in his 
warm grip, safely held, 
reassured by his touch.

His hands, now still, 
grave bound; 
Only in memory do
I feel 
his hands’ soft touch
on mine.